

"Let your women hear our words"
Transatlanticism, feminism, revolution: definitions ; The age of revolutions: historical background ; Women's lives and feminist struggles in the age of revolutions ; Renaming the age of revolution
1. Ann Marbury Hutchinson (1591-1643): Transcripts from the Trial of Ann Hutchison (1637)
2. Anne Dudley Bradstreet (ca. 1612-1672) "The Prologue" (1650) ; "In Honour of that High and Mighty Princess Queen Elizabeth Of Happy Memory" (1650) ; "The Author to Her Book" (1678)
3. Margaret Cavendish, Duchess of Newcastle (ca. 1623-1674): "Femal Oration" (1662)
4. Margaret Askew Fell Fox (1614-1702): Women's Speaking Justified (1666)
5. Bathsua Reginald Makin (1600 - ca. 1675): An Essay to Revive the Antient Education of Women (1673)
6. Aphra Behn (1640-1689): "To the Fair Clarinda who made love to me, imagin'd more than woman" (1688)
7. Mary Astell (1663-1731): A Serious Proposal to the Ladies (1694)
8. Pierre Cholenec, S.J. (1641-1723): From The Life of Katharine Tegakouita, First Iroquois Virgin (1696)
9. Sarah Fyge Egerton (1670-1723): "The Emulation" (1703)
10. Martha Fowke Sansom (1689-1736): "On being charged with Writing incorrectly" (1710)

11. Anne Kingsmill Finch, Countess of Winchilsea (1661-1720)
12. Anonymous: "Cloe to Artemisa" (1720)
13. Elizabeth Magawley: "Letter to the Editor of the Philadelphia American Weekly Mercury" (1730/31)
14. Anonymous: "Women's Hard Fate" (1733)
15. Anonymous: "The Lady's Complaint" (1736)
16. Katherine Garret (Pequot; ?-1738): The Confession and Dying Warning of Katherine Garret (1738)
17. Mary Collier (b. 1679): "The Woman's Labour" (1739)
18. Damma/Marotta/Magdalena: Petition to Queen Sophia Magdalene of Denmark (1739)
19. Coosaponakeesa/Mary Musgrove Mathews Bosomworth (Creek; ca. 1700-1767): Memorial (1747)
20. Mary Leapor (1722-1746): "Man the Monarch" (1748) ; "An Essay on Woman" (1748)
21. Susanna Wright (1697-1784): "To Eliza Norris-at Fairhill" (1750)
22. William Blackstone (1723-1780): "Of Husband and Wife" (1765)

23. Hannah Griffitts (1727-1817): "The Female Patriots. Address'd to the Daughters of Liberty in America" (1768)
24. Frances Moore Brooke (1725-1789): From The History of Emily Montague (1769)
25. Aspasia: Reply to "The Visitant," Number XI (1769)
26. Phillis Wheatley (1753?-1784): "To the Right Honourable William, Earl of Dartmouth" (1773) ; Letter to Samson Occom (1774)
27. Mercy Otis Warren (1728-1814): Letter to Catharine Sawbridge Macaulay (1774)
28. Thomas Paine (1737-1809): An "Occasional Letter on the Female Sex" (1775)
29. Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826): Declaration of Independence (1776)
30. Abigail Smith Adams (1744-1818): Letter to John Adams, March 31, 1776 ; Letter from John Adams to Abigail Adams, April 14 1776 ; Letter to Mercy Otis Waren, April 27, 1776 ; Letter to John Adams, June 30, 1778

31. Mary "Molly" Brant/Tekonwatonti/ Konwatsi-Tsiaienni (Mohawk; 1735/6-1796): Letters to Judge Daniel Claus (1778-1779)
32. Esther De Berdt Reed (1747-1780): The Sentiments of an American Woman (1780)
33. Nancy Ward/Nanye'Hi (Cherokee; 1738?-1824) and Cherokee Women: Speech of Cherokee Women to General Greene's Commission, July 26-August 2, 1781 ; Nancy Ward speech to the U.S. Treaty Commissioners (1781) ; Speech to the U.S. Treaty Commissioners (1785) ; Cherokee Women to Governor Benjamin Franklin (September 8, 1787)
34. Women of Wilmington: Petition to his Excellency Gov. Alexander Martin and the members of the Honorable Council (1782)
35. Belinda (born about 1713): Petition of 1782 ; Petition of 1787
36. Judith Sargent Murray (1751-1820): Desultory Thoughts upon the Utility of Encouraging a Degree of Self-Complacency, Especially in Female Bosoms (1784) ; "On the Equality of the Sexes" (1790)

37. Anonymous: Petition of the Young Ladies (1787)
38. Benjamin Rush (1746-1813): From Thoughts Upon Female Education (1787)
39. Hannah More (1745-1833): Slavery: A Poem (1788)
40. Anonymous: Petition of women of the Third Estate to the King (1789)
41. Gilbert du Motier, marquis de Lafayette (1757-1834): Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen (1789)
42. Catharine Sawbridge Macaulay Graham (1731-1791): From Letters on Education (1790)
43. Pauline Léon (1758-?): Petition to the National Assembly on Women's Rights to Bear Arms (1791)
44. Olympe de Gouges (1748-1793): Declaration of the Rights of Woman and Citizen (1791)
45. Margaretta Bleecker Faugeres (1771-1801)
46. Mary Wollstonecraft (1759-1797): From A Vindication on the Rights of Woman (1792)
47. Sarah Pierce (1767-1852): "Verses to Abigail Smith" (1792)
48. Annis Boudinot Stockton (1736-1801): Letter to Julia Stockton Rush on Mary Wollstonecraft's A Vindication of the Rights of Woman (ca. 1793)
49. Priscilla Mason: "Oration" (1793)

50. Anonymous: "On the marriage of two celebrated widows" (1793)
51. Elizabeth Hart Thwaites (1772-1833): Letter from Elizabeth Hart to a Friend (1794)
52. Anonymous: "Rights of Woman" (1795)
53. Helen Maria Williams (1762-1827): From Letters Containing a Sketch of the Politics of France (1795)
54. Anna Seward (1747-1809): "To the Right Honourable, Lady Eleanor Butler" (1796) ; To Miss Ponsonby" (1796) ; "To Honora Sneyd" (1773, pb. 1799) ; "Elegy, Written at the Sea-Side" (1799)
55. Mary Darby Robinson (1758-1800): From A Letter to the Women of England (1799)
56. François Dominique Toussaint L'Ouverture (ca. 1743-1803)
57. Deborah Sampson Gannett (1760-1827): Addr[e]ss, Delivered with Applause, at the Federal-Street Theatre, Boston (1802)
58. Sarah Pogson Smith (1774-1870): From The Female Enthusiast (1807)
59. Leonora Sansay (1773 - ?): From Secret History; or, The horrors by St. Domingo (1808).

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