Linked e-resources


Occupy the future / David B. Grusky, Doug McAdam, Rob Reich, Debra Satz
The empirical and normative foundation. Economic inequality in the United States: an occupy-inspired primer / David B. Grusky and Erin Cumberworth
Ethics and inequality / Rob Reich and Debra Satz
The sources of the takeoff. Increasing income inequality: economics and institutional ethics / Kenneth J. Arrow
Why is there so much poverty? / David B. Grusky and Kim A. Weeden
Who bears the brunt of the takeoff? Education and inequality / Sean F. Reardon
The double binds of economic and racial inequality / Prudence L. Carter
Gender and economic inequality / Shelley J. Correll
Inequality, politics, and democracy. Restarting history / Gary Segura
Political remedies to economic inequality / David D. Laitin
State millionaire taxes / Cristobal Young and Charles Varner
The politics of Occupy: now and looking ahead / Doug McAdam
The social costs of inequality. Capitalism versus the environment / Paul R. Ehrlich and Anne H. Ehrlich
The rising toll of inequality on health care and health status / Donald A. Barr
Inequality and culture. Occupy your imaginationn / Michele Elam and Jennifer DeVere Brody
What if we occupied language? / H. Samy Alim
Thinking big / David Palumbo-Liu.

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