

The singing bone / The Brothers Grimm
Hansel and Gretel / The Brothers Grimm
The children of Hameln / The Brothers Grimm
The sandman / E.T.A. Hoffmann
Rune mountain / Ludwig Tieck
St. Cecilia or the power of music / Heinrich von Kleist
Peter Schlemiel / Adelbert von Chamisso
The marble statue / Josef von Eichendorff
Descent into the mines / Heinrich Heine
My gmunden / Peter Altenberg
The magic egg / Mynona (aka Salomo Friedlaender)
A new kind of plaything / Mynona (aka Salomo Friedlaender)
The seamstress / Rainer Maria Rilke
The island of eternal life / Georg Kaiser
In the penal colony / Franz Kafka
The kiss / Robert Walser
The blackbird / Robert Musil
The lunatic / Georg Heym
A conversation concerning legs / Alfred Lichtenstein
The onion / Kurt Schwitters
A raw recruit / Klabund (aka Alfred Henschke)
The time saver / Ignaz Wrobel (aka Kurt Tucholsky)
The tattooed portrait / Egon Erwin Kisch
The experiment or the victory of the children / Unica Zürn
The dandelion / Wolfgang Borchert
Shadowlight / Paul Celan
The secrets of the princess of Kagran / Ingeborg Bachmann
Conversation / Jürg Laederach.

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