

Should the United States adopt a single-payer plan to fund national health insurance?
Should health care be rationed in the United States
Should prescription drugs be advertised directly to consumers?
Are we winning the war on cancer?
Should marijuana be legalized for medicinal purposes
Should doctors prescribe drugs based on race?
Should embryonic stem cell research be permitted?
Should addiction to drugs be labeled a brain disease?
Do religion and prayer benefit health?
Is it necessary for pregnant women to completely abstain from all alcoholic beverages?
Should pro-life health providers be allowed to deny prescriptions on the basis of conscience?
Should the cervical cancer vaccine for girls be compulsory?
Is there a post-abortion syndrome?
Do ultrathin models and actresses influence the onset of eating disorders?
Is there a valid reason for routine infant male circumcision?
Is there a link between vaccination and autism?
Do cell phones cause cancer?
Will global warming negatively impact human health?
Is breastfeeding the best way to feed babies?
Is it safe to consume genetically engineered foods?
Does obesity cause a decline in life expectancy?

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