

Is race a useful concept for anthropologists?
Are humans inherently violent?
Are female primates selected to be monogamous?
Did humans migrate to the new world from Europe in early prehistoric times?
Did climate change rather than overhunting cause the extinction of mammoths and other megafauna in North America?
Can archaeologists determine the cultural background of the earliest Americans from the ancient skeleton known as Kennewick Man?
Was there a goddess cult in prehistoric Europe?
Can apes learn language?
Does language shape how we think?
Is Black American English a separate language from Standard American English, with its own distinctive grammar and vocabulary?
Should cultural anthropology stop trying to model itself as a science?
Was Margaret Mead's fieldwork on Samoan adolescents fundamentally flawed?
Do men dominate women in all societies?
Does the distinction between the natural and the supernatural exist in all cultures?
Is conflict between different ethnic groups inevitable?
Do native peoples today invent their traditions?
Should the remains of prehistoric Native Americans be reburied rather than studied?
Did Napoleon Chagnon's research methods harm the Yanomami Indians of Venezuela?

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