

Is it beneficial if adoptive parents adopt only within their own racial/ethnic group?
Does divorce have a negative impact on children?
Should parents home-school their children?
Do mothers who work outside the home have a negative impact on their children?
Should illegal immigrant families be able to send their children to public schools?
Should parents be able to select the biological sex of their children?
Should grandparents have visitation rights for their grandchildren?
Should courts be able to discriminate against immigrant fathers?
Do parents have the right to deny their children lifesaving medical care due to their religious convictions?
Should same-sex couples be able to legally marry?
Should private sexual acts between gay couples be illegal?
Are traditional families better for children?
Should lesbian and gay individuals be able to adopt children?
Are teenagers too young to become parents?
Is cybersex cheating?
Is internet pornography harmful to teenagers?
Are statutory rape laws effective at protecting minors?
Do reality television shows have a negative influence on teenage pregnancy and parenting?
Should there be harsh penalties for teens sexting?
Are open relationships healthy?

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