

I. Meaning. Excerpts from the Bible
Politics / Aristotle
Nicomachean ethics / Aristotle
De officiis / Cicero
Six books of the Commonwealth / Jean Bodin
Leviathan / Thomas Hobbes
The spirit of the laws / Baron de Montesquieu
A philosophical dictionary / François Voltaire
Encyclopédie / Denis Diderot
Notes on the State of Virginia / Thomas Jefferson
The science of right / Immanuel Kant
Beyond good and evil / Friedrich Neitzsche
Lord and peasant in Russia / Jerome Blum
Slavery in the age of revolution / David Brion Davis
Roll, Jordan, roll / Eugene D. Genovese
Ancient slavery and modern tdeology / Moses I. Finley
Slavery in Russia / Richard Hellie
From slavery to feudalism / Pierre Bonnassie
Peasant servitude in medieval Catalonia / Paul Freedman
Slavery in early medieval England / David A. E. Pelteret
Slavery in Africa / Igor Kopytoff and Suzanne Miers
Africa and the Africans / John Thornton
II. The origins and methods of enslavement. Excerpts from the Bible
The city of God / St. Augustine
Praeloquia / Bishop Ratherius of Verona
Life of Johnson / James Boswell
Slavery as an industrial system / H. J. Nieboer
White over Black / Winthrop D. Jordan
American slavery, American freedom / Edmund S. Morgan
Slavery in Russia / Richard Hellie
Slavery and social death / Orlando Patterson
Race and color in Islam / Bernard Lewis - Africa and the Africans / John Thornton
Europeans and the rise and fall of African slavery / David Eltis
The origins debate / Alden T. Vaughan
III. Slave laws. Excerpts from the Bible
The Babylonian laws
The digest of Justinian
Excerpts from the Koran
The law code (Sudebnik) of 1550 / Richard Hellie
Massachusetts Code 1641
Muscovite law code of 1649 / Richard Hellie
Barbados Act 1661
Code noir (1685) in Louisiana
Virginia slave code 1705
On the rights of persons / William Blackstone
Danish slave code 1733
Somersett's case 1772
Código Negro 1789
Cuban slave law 1842
Rio Branco law 1871
The law of Negro slavery / T. R. R. Cobb
Abolitionism / Joaquim Nabuco
Southern slavery and the law / Thomas D. Morris
IV. The slave trade. The plan of the Brookes
[Letter] / Brother Luis Brandaon to Father Dandoval
Voyage of the James, 1675-6
Voyage of the Hannibal, 1693-4
Journal of a slave trader 1750-4 / John Newton
The evil of slavery / Ottobah Cugoano
Parliamentary Papers, 1795-6 [An account of all cargoes of negroes ...]
Nouveau voyage / Jean Baptist Labat
Life of Olaudah Equiano / [Olaudah Equiano]
The African slave trade / Thomas Fowell Buxton
Cuba to China labor contract 1852
The merchant of Prato / Iris Origo
The Atlantic slave trade / Philip D. Curtin
The Woolf and Sereer of Senegambia / Martin Klein
The Middle Passage / Herbert S. Klein
Transatlantic slave trade / David Eltis
Chinese slavery / James L. Watson
The Senegambian slave trade / Philip D. Curtin
The Cuban slave trade / David Murray
Transformations in slavery / Paul E. Lovejoy
The slave trade in Bali / A. van der Kraan
Traders, planters, and slaves / David W. Galenston
Economic growth and the transatlantic slave trade / David Eltis
Economic aspects of the eighteenth-century Atlantic slave trade / Herbert S. Klein
Slavery medieval Scandinavia / Ruth Mazo Karras
The Pacific labour reserve / Jaqueline Leckie
The slave trade to Brazil / Stuart Schwartz
The origins of the Atlantic slave trade / Robert William Fogel
Coolies and mandarins / Yen Ching-Hwang
The anthropology of slavery / Claude Meillassoux
The flourishing business of slavery / The Economist [1996]
Trade and traders in Muslim Spain / Olivia Remie Constable
Memoirs of the traffic in Negroes in Cairo / Louis Frank
V. The experience of slavery. Life of St Balthild
A West Indian slave history / Mary Prince
St. Vincent reports 1824
Rules concerning slaves / James H. Hammond
An appeal / David Walker
Letter to Domingo del Monte, 1835 / Juan Francisco Manzano
My bondage and my freedom / Frederick Douglass
Duties of overseers / Thomas Affleck
Night-time slave meetings / Gabrial Debien
Description of Saint Domingue / M. L. E. Moreau de Saint-Méry
The Black Jacobins / C. L. R. James
The masters and the slaves / Gilberto Freyre
The birth of African-American culture / Sidney Mintz and Richard Prince
Public works in Imperial China / Lien-Sheng Yang
Another dimension to the Black diaspora / Kenneth F. Kiple and Virginia Himmelsteib King
Slavery in Zanzibar / G. A. Akinola
Slave life in Rio de Janeiro / Mary Karasch
Slave populations of the British Caribbean / B. W. Higman
Religious foundations of the Black nation / Eugene D. Genovese
Without consent or contract / Robert William Fogel
Unfree labour / Peter Kolchin
Within the plantation household / Elizabeth Fox-Genovese
Tobacco and slaves / Allan Kulikoff
Slave counterpoint / Philp D. Morgan
VI. Resistance. Laws / Plato
Politics / Aristotle
The annals / Tacitus
The lives of noble Grecians and Romans / Plutarch
The revolt of the Zanj / Jarir al-Tabarī
Rebellion in Santo Domingo / Gonzalo Fernández de Oviedo y Valdés
Children of God's fire / Robert Edgar Conrad
Negro insurrection in South Carolina / [Georgia State Legislature]
[Curaçao] / The London Magazine
In miserable slavery / Douglas Hall
Narrative of a five years expedition / John Gabriel Stedman
Toussaint L'Ouverture / George F. Tyson
A treaty proposed [to Manoel da Silva Ferreira] by slaves
Letter to Moniteur de la Louisiane / [Charles Perret]
Letter to David Porter / Samuel Hambleton
The trial of John Smith
The trial of Denmark Vesey
Anonymous report in Cuba
Confession of Nat Turner
Harriet Whitehead case
Death struggles of slavery / Henry Bleby
My bondage and my freedom / Frederick Douglass
Address at Cooper Institute 1860 / Araham Lincoln
American Negro slave revolts / Herbert Aptheker
Toward an Afro-American history / Sidney W. Mintz
Roll, Jordan, roll / Eugene D. Genovese
From rebellion to revolution / Eugene D. Genovese
Islam and slave rebellion in Bahia, Brazil / João José Reis and P. F. de Moraes Faria
Testing the chains / Michael Craton
Bondsmen and rebels / David Barry Gaspar
Slave resistance and social history / Robert L. Paquette
Feast and riot / Jonathan Glassman
Slavery in the Greater Caribbean / David Patrick Geggus
Domination and the arts of resistance / James Scott
VII. Economics and demography. Oeconomicus / Xenophon
Oeconomica / Aristotle
Instructions to the Jesuits
Principles of political oeconomy / James Steuart
Wealth of nations / Adam Smith
Principles of political economy / John Stuart Mill
A view of the art of colonization / Edward Gibbon Wakefield
The Negro question / John Stuart Mill
Economic sophisms / Frederic Bastiat
Lectures on colonization and colonies / Herman Merivale
Capital / Karl Marx
The theory of social and economic organization / Max Weber
Slave trader newsletter 1860
Slave trade advertisement 1861
Capitalism and slavery / Eric Williams
How Europe underdeveloped Africa / Walter Rodney
The sugarmill / Manuel Moreno Fraginals
The causes of slavery or serfdom / Evsey D. Domar
Slave populations of the British Caribbean / B. W. Higman
Death in the tropics / Stuart Schwartz
Without consent or contract / Robert W. Fogel
Slavery and African life / Patrick Manning
Memoirs of the traffic in Negroes in Cairo / Louis Frank
VIII. Abolition and emancipation. Ancient slavery and modern ideology / Moses I. Finley
Capitalism and anti-slavery / Seymour Drescher
Methodist resolution of 1784
Virginia petition 1785
The liberator / William Lloyd Garrison
Emancipation of slaves / Alexis de Toqueville
Lord Stanley (Hansard 1843)
Samuel Wilberforce (Hansard 1846)
Victor Schoelcher (Paris Ethnological Society debate 1847)
The Negro question / Thomas Carlyle
Diary / Edmund Ruffin
[Resolutions] / Mississippi Legislature 1850
Black Abolitionist Papers 1863
Army life in a Black regiment / Thomas Wentworth Higginson
Emancipation Proclamation 1863
The Thirteenth Amendment
Defining the boundaries of freedom in the world of cane / Rebecca J. Scott
Slavery by any other name / The Economist [1997].

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