

Motivation and organization of the book : Socio-technical approach ; Climate change and energy security ; Preview of chapters
A tale of five challenges : Electricity ; Transportation ; Forestry and agriculture ; Waste and water ; Climate change ; Conflicts and complementarities
Technologies for mitigating climate change : Energy end use ; Energy supply ; Capturing and sequestering carbon ; Reducing other greenhouse gases ; Integrated systems ; Synthesis
Technologies for geo-engineering and adaptation : Geo-engineering ; Adaptation ; Synthesis
Barriers to effective climate and energy policies : Public goods, market failure, and policy failure ; Barriers to cost effectiveness ; Fiscal, regulatory, and statutory barriers ; Intellectual-property barriers ; Other cultural, social, and institutional barriers ; Toward carbon lock-in
Overcoming barriers to effective climate and energy policies : The risk paradigm versus the precautionary principle ; Types of public policies and ways to evaluate them ; Putting a price on carbon ; Complementary policies ; The need for synergy
The case for polycentric implementation : The benefits of global action ; The benefits of local action ; The case for polycentrism ; Challenges to polycentrism ; Conclusion
Case studies : Denmark's electricity policy, 1970-2001 ; Germany's feed-in tariff, 1990-2009 ; Brazil's ProƔlcool program and promotion of flex-fuel vehicles, 1975-2009 ; Singapore's urban transport policy, 1971-2009 ; Bangladesh's Grameen Shakti, 1996-2009 ; China's national improved stove program, 1983-1998 ; The oasis project in the Atlantic rainforest of Brazil, 2006-present ; The toxic releases inventory in the United States, 1988-2007 ; Conclusion
Conclusions : The socio-technical nature of climate and energy challenges ; Justification for government intervention ; Speed, scope, and scale ; The power of polycentrism ; Coordinated, progressive, and consistent policies
Appendix A : Experts contacted and interviewed for case studies
Appendix B : Methodology for case studies.

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