

Disc 1. Religion: its meaning and importance - Facets of religion: divinity and devotion
Hinduism: foundational texts and teachings
Hindu gods and devotional practice
Gita to Gandhi: yogas and modern Hinduism
Walking up: the Buddha and his teachings
Disc 2. Vehicles to Nirvana: the schools of Buddhism
Chinese religion and cosmology
Confucianism: rituals and relationships
Daoism: harmony, nature and the way
Kami and spirits: Shinto and Shamanism
East Asian Buddhism: Zen and pure land
Disc 3. Judaism: God, Torah, and covenant
Varieties of Jewish thought and practices
Living a Jewish life
The life and commemoration of Jesus
Catholic and Orthodox Christianity
Protestantism and Christianity today
Disc 4. Muhammad, Quran and Islamic civilization
Unity in Islam: the five pillars
Forms of Islan: diversity among Muslims
Jain, Sikhs, and Baha'is
Religion and law in American
Religion today: trends, challenges, and hope.

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