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1. Conceptual basis for identifying and measuring occupational labor shortages : Background on labor shortages ; Causes of labor shortages ; Reasons why occupational labor markets are in disequilibrium ; Adjustments to occupational shortages by employers ; Reasons labor markets may adjust slowly ; Consequences of labor shortages ; Outline of the report
2. Special education teachers : Background and description ; Training and recruitment of workers ; Worker characteristics ; Employment and earnings trends ; Labor market factors contributing to a shortage ; Assessment of labor market/shortage conditions ; Responses to labor market conditions ; Conclusions and recommendations
3. Pharmacists : Background and description ; Training and recruitment of workers ; Employment and earnings trends ; Labor market factors contributing to a shortage ; Assessment of labor market/shortage conditions ; Responses to labor market conditions ; Conclusions and recommendations
4. Physical therapists : Background and description ; Training and recruitment of workers ; Worker characteristics ; Employment and earnings trends ; Labor market factors contributing to a labor shortage ; Assessment of labor market/shortage conditions
5. Home health and personal care aides : Background and description ; Training and recruitment of workers ; Characteristics of workers ; Employment and earnings trends ; Labor market factors contributing to a shortage ; Assessment of labor market/shortage conditions
6. Conclusions and recommendations for further action : Conclusions from the case studies ; Utility of data used to analyze occupational shortages ; Using occupational shortage data for immigration and temporary visas ; Developing better occupational shortage data for the United States.

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