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The subjectivities of garbage. Darker shades of green : Love Canal, toxic autobiography, and American environmental writing / Richard Newman ; "The most radical view of the whole subject" : George E. Waring Jr., domestic waste, and women's rights / William Gleason ; Enviroblogging : clearing green space in a virtual world / Stephanie Foote
The places of garbage. Missing New Orleans : tracking knowledge and ignorance through an urban hazardscape / Scott Frickel ; What gets buried in a small town : toxic e-waste and democratic frictions in the crossroads of the United States / Phaedra C. Pezzullo ; The garbage question on top of the world / Elizabeth Mazzolini
The cultural contradictions of garbage. Purification or profit : Milwaukee and the contradictions of sludge / Daniel Schneider ; The rising tide against plastic waste : unpacking industry attempts to influence the debate / Jennifer Clapp ; Time out of mind : the animation of obsolescence in The brave little toaster / Marisol Cortez
Conclusion : Object lessons / Stephanie Foote and Elizabeth Mazzolini.

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