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Decision rules and conduct rules : on acoustic separation in criminal law / Meir Dan-Cohen
Empirical desert / Paul H. Robinson
Defending preventive detention / Christopher Slobogin
The economics of crime control / Doron Teichman
The difficulties of deterrence as a distributive principle / Paul H. Robinson
Why only the state may inflict criminal sanctions : the case against privately inflicted sanctions / Alon Harel
Results don't matter / Larry Alexander and Kimberly Kessler Ferzan
Post-modern meditations on punishment : on the limits of reason and the virtue of randomization / Bernard E. Harcourt
Remorse, apology, and mercy / Jeffrie G. Murphy
Interpretive construction in the substantive criminal law / Mark Kelman
Criminalization and sharing wrongs / S.E. Marshall and R.A. Duff
Monstrous offenders and the search for solidarity through modern punishment / Joseph E. Kennedy
Against negligence liability / Larry Alexander and Kimberly Kessler Ferzan
Rape law reform based on negotiation : beyond the no and yes models / Michelle J. Anderson
Provocation : explaining and justifying the defense in partial excuse, loss of self-control terms / Joshua Dressler
Objective verses subjective justification : a case study in function and form in constructing a system of criminal law theory / Paul H. Robinson
Self-defense and the psychotic aggressor / George P. Fletcher and Luis E. Chiesa
Self-defense against morally innocent threats / Jeff McMahan
Self-defense, imminence, and the battered woman / Whitley R.P. Kaufman
Reasonable provocation and self-defense : recognizing the distinction between act reasonableness and emotion reasonableness / Cynthia Lee
Against control tests for criminal responsibility / Stephen J. Morse
Abolition of the insanity defense / Christopher Slobogin
Entrapment and the "free market" for crime / Louis Michael Seidman
The political economy of criminal law and procedure : the pessimists' view / Richard H. McAdams
Against jury nullification / Andrew D. Leipold
Race-based jury nullification : black power in the criminal justice system / Paul Butler
In support of restorative justice / Erik Luna
The virtues of offense/offender distinctions / Douglas A. Berman
The heart has its reasons : examining the strange persistence of the American death penalty / Susan A. Bandes
Mercy's decline and administrative law's ascendance / Rachel E. Barkow
Criminal law comes home / Jeannie Suk.

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