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Table of Contents
The Gault Site and the investigation of excavation area 8
Stratigraphy, chronology, and site formation
Introduction to the organization of Clovis lithic technology at excavation area 8
Clovis blade technology
Clovis biface technology
Clovis endscraper and edge-modified tool assemblages
Usewear analyses of Clovis artifacts
Vertebrate faunal remains
Spatial organization of the Clovis lithic workshops
Interpretation of the Clovis workshops at excavation area 8: tool production, site structure, and regional settlement.
Stratigraphy, chronology, and site formation
Introduction to the organization of Clovis lithic technology at excavation area 8
Clovis blade technology
Clovis biface technology
Clovis endscraper and edge-modified tool assemblages
Usewear analyses of Clovis artifacts
Vertebrate faunal remains
Spatial organization of the Clovis lithic workshops
Interpretation of the Clovis workshops at excavation area 8: tool production, site structure, and regional settlement.