Table of Contents
What's your problem? Defining the challenge that active citizenship can solve
Just the facts, Ma'am: gathering information to sway policymakers
The buck stops where? Identifying who in government can fix your problem
Testing the waters: gauging and building public support for your cause
Winning friends and influencing people: how to persuade the decision maker
Timing is everything: using the calendar to achieve your goals
All for one, and one for all: coalitions for citizen success
All your news is fit to print: engaging the media
The price of progress: finding the resources to support your initiative
You've won! You've lost: preserving victory and learning from defeat.
Just the facts, Ma'am: gathering information to sway policymakers
The buck stops where? Identifying who in government can fix your problem
Testing the waters: gauging and building public support for your cause
Winning friends and influencing people: how to persuade the decision maker
Timing is everything: using the calendar to achieve your goals
All for one, and one for all: coalitions for citizen success
All your news is fit to print: engaging the media
The price of progress: finding the resources to support your initiative
You've won! You've lost: preserving victory and learning from defeat.