Table of Contents
Commandment one
top of the list: quit taking risks
Commandment two: be inflexible
Commandment three: isolate yourself
Commandment four: assume infallibility
Commandment five: play the game close to the foul line
Commandment six: don't take time to think
Commandment seven: put all your faith in experts and outside consultants
Commandment eight: love your bureaucracy
Commandment nine: send mixed messages
Commandment ten: be afraid of the future
Commandment eleven: lose your passion for work
for life.
top of the list: quit taking risks
Commandment two: be inflexible
Commandment three: isolate yourself
Commandment four: assume infallibility
Commandment five: play the game close to the foul line
Commandment six: don't take time to think
Commandment seven: put all your faith in experts and outside consultants
Commandment eight: love your bureaucracy
Commandment nine: send mixed messages
Commandment ten: be afraid of the future
Commandment eleven: lose your passion for work
for life.