

The challenge from within
Power shift : The business rebellion: the power shift that changed American history ; The pivotal Congress: Jimmy Carter and 1977-78 Democrats ; Middle-class power: how citizen action worked before the power shift ; Middle-class prosperity: how "the virtuous circle" worked before the new economy
Dismantling the dream : The new economy of the 1990s: the wedge economics that split America ; The stolen dream: from middle-class to the new poor ; The great burden shift: funding your own safety net, crippled by debt ; The wealth gap: the economics "of the 1%, by the 1%, for the 1%"
Unequal democracy : The new 2000s power game: why Congress often ignores public opinion ; The Washington-Wall Street symbiosis: the inside track of "the money monopoly"
Middle-class squeeze : Broken promises: bankrupting middle-class pensions ; 401(K)'s: do-it-yourself : can you really afford to retire? ; Housing heist: prime targets: the solid middle class ; The great wealth shift: how the banks eroded middle-class savings ; Offshoring the dream: the Wal-Mart trail to China ; Hollowing out high-end jobs: IBM: shifting the knowledge economy to India ; The skills gap myth: importing IT workers costs masses of U.S. jobs
Obstacles to a fix : The missing middle: how gridlock adds to the wealth gap ; The rise of the radical right, 1964-2010: assault on the middle-class safety net ; The high cost of imperial overstretch: how the U.S. global footprint hurts the middle class
Challenge and response : Reclaiming the dream: a domestic Marshall plan: a ten-step strategy ; Politics: a grassroots response: reviving the moderate center and middle-class power
Appendix. Stolen dream timeline: key events, trends, and turning points, 1948-2012.

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