

1. The Nazi escape route through Italy:
Italy as a country of refuge
Refugees, prisoners of war, and war criminals
Illegal immigrants
Smuggling goods and people
South Tyrol, the Nazi bolt-hole
Fake papers;
2. The co-responsibility of the international Red Cross:
Red Cross travel documents
How the ICRC issued travel documents in Italy
The routine nature of false documentation
The Red Cross calls a halt
The Red Cross on the escape route
Escaping with ethnic German identity;
3. The Vatican network:
The Vatican relief commission
The national subcommittees
The network of Bishop Alois Hudal
The monsignor and the Croatian fascists
The role of the Church in South Tyrol
Denazification through baptism;
4. The intelligence service ratline:
Operation Bernhard
The special case of Italy
"Recycled" war criminals
The origins of the Italian ratline
The ratline players
Escape along the ratline;
Destination Argentina:
Argentinian immigration policy
The recruitment of specialists
Argentinian diplomats and agents in Italy
Perón's escape agents in Italy
Austrian pioneers in the escape network
The escape of the concentration camp commandants
A new start in Argentina;

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