

Introduction : adolescent development in context
A multidisciplinary approach to adolescence
The boundaries of adolescence
Early, middle, and late adolescence
A framework for studying adolescent development
Theoretical perspectives on adolescence
Stereotypes versus scientific study
pt. I. The fundamental changes of adolescence
1. Biological transitions
Puberty : an overview
Somatic development
The timing and tempo of puberty
The psychological and social impact of puberty
Physical health and health care in adolescence
2. Cognitive transitions
Changes in cognition
Theoretical perspectives on adolescent thinking
The adolescent brain
Individual differences in intelligence in adolescence
Adolescent thinking in context
3. Social transitions
Social redefinition and psychosocial development
Adolescence as a social invention
Changes in status
The process of social redefinition
Variations in social transitions
The transition into adulthood in contemporary society

pt. II. The contexts of adolescence
4. Families
Family relationships at adolescence
Family relationships and adolescent development
The adolescent's family in a changing society
Adolescent development and the changing family
The importance of the family in adolescent development
5. Peer groups
The origins of adolescent peer groups in contemporary society
The adolescent peer group : a problem or a necessity?
The nature of adolescent peer groups
Adolescents and their crowds
Adolescents and their cliques
Popularity and rejection in adolescent peer groups
The peer group and psychosocial development
6. Schools
Secondary education in America
School reform : past and present
The social organization of schools
Beyond high school
Schools and adolescent development
7. Work and leisure
Work and leisure in contemporary society
Adolescents and work
Adolescents and leisure

pt. III. Psychosocial development during adolescence
8. Identity
Identity as an adolescent issue
Changes in self-conceptions
Changes in self-esteem
The adolescent identity crisis
Research on identity development
The development of ethnic identity
Gender-role development
9. Autonomy
Autonomy as an adolescent issue
The development of emotional autonomy
The development of behavioral autonomy
The development of value autonomy
A concluding note
10. Intimacy
Intimacy as an adolescent issue
Theoretical perspectives on adolescent intimacy
The development of intimacy in adolescence
Dating and romance
Intimacy and adolescent psychosocial development
11. Sexuality
Sexuality as an adolescent issue
How sexually permissive is contemporary society?
Sexual attitudes among adolescents
Trends in sexual activity during adolescence
The sexually active adolescent
Teenage pregnancy and childbearing
12. Achievement
Achievement as an adolescent issue
Achievement motives and beliefs
Environmental influences on achievement
Educational achievement
Occupational achievement
13. Psychosocial problems in adolescence
Some general principles about problems in adolescence
Psychosocial problem : their nature and co-variation
Substance use and abuse in adolescence
Antisocial behavior, violence, and other externalizing problems
Depression, suicide, and other internalizing problems in adolescence
Stress and coping in adolescence

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