Table of Contents
Ch. 1. The Environmental Isotopes. Environmental Isotopes in Hydrogeology. Stable Isotopes: Standards and Measurement. Isotope ratio mass spectrometry. Radioisotopes. Isotope Fractionation. Isotope Fractionation ([alpha]), Enrichment ([epsilon]) and Separation ([Delta])
Ch. 2. Tracing the Hydrological Cycle. Craig's Meteoric Relationship in Global Fresh Waters. Partitioning of Isotopes Through the Hydrological Cycle. Condensation, Precipitation and the Meteoric Water Line. A Closer Look at Rayleigh Distillation. Effects of Extreme Evaporation
Ch. 3. Precipitation. The [actual symbol not reproducible] Correlation in Precipitation. Local effects on [actual symbol not reproducible]. Ice Cores and Paleotemperature
Ch. 4. Groundwater. Recharge in Temperate Climates. Recharge in Arid Regions. Recharge from River-Connected Aquifers. Hydrograph Separation in Catchment Studies. Groundwater Mixing
Ch. 5. Tracing the Carbon Cycle. Evolution of Carbon in Groundwaters. Carbonate Geochemistry.
Ch. 2. Tracing the Hydrological Cycle. Craig's Meteoric Relationship in Global Fresh Waters. Partitioning of Isotopes Through the Hydrological Cycle. Condensation, Precipitation and the Meteoric Water Line. A Closer Look at Rayleigh Distillation. Effects of Extreme Evaporation
Ch. 3. Precipitation. The [actual symbol not reproducible] Correlation in Precipitation. Local effects on [actual symbol not reproducible]. Ice Cores and Paleotemperature
Ch. 4. Groundwater. Recharge in Temperate Climates. Recharge in Arid Regions. Recharge from River-Connected Aquifers. Hydrograph Separation in Catchment Studies. Groundwater Mixing
Ch. 5. Tracing the Carbon Cycle. Evolution of Carbon in Groundwaters. Carbonate Geochemistry.