

Ch. 1. The Environmental Isotopes. Environmental Isotopes in Hydrogeology. Stable Isotopes: Standards and Measurement. Isotope ratio mass spectrometry. Radioisotopes. Isotope Fractionation. Isotope Fractionation ([alpha]), Enrichment ([epsilon]) and Separation ([Delta])
Ch. 2. Tracing the Hydrological Cycle. Craig's Meteoric Relationship in Global Fresh Waters. Partitioning of Isotopes Through the Hydrological Cycle. Condensation, Precipitation and the Meteoric Water Line. A Closer Look at Rayleigh Distillation. Effects of Extreme Evaporation
Ch. 3. Precipitation. The [actual symbol not reproducible] Correlation in Precipitation. Local effects on [actual symbol not reproducible]. Ice Cores and Paleotemperature
Ch. 4. Groundwater. Recharge in Temperate Climates. Recharge in Arid Regions. Recharge from River-Connected Aquifers. Hydrograph Separation in Catchment Studies. Groundwater Mixing
Ch. 5. Tracing the Carbon Cycle. Evolution of Carbon in Groundwaters. Carbonate Geochemistry.

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