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From emancipation to the Civil Rights Act: social and economic progress
Lincoln's great promise: emancipation and reconstruction
Sources of upward mobility: migration and education
Racial differences in economic status
Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act: labor market discrimination becomes a federal crime
Federal and state government antidiscrimination efforts before 1964
Developments that shaped the Civil Rights Act and Title VII
The 1964 Civil Rights Act and Title VII
Changes in antidiscrimination law and policy after 1964
Implementing antidiscrimination policy: the office of federal contract compliance programs and the equal employment opportunity commission
The Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs and antidiscrimination enforcement
Procedures and concepts for determining discriminatory behavior
Targeting contractors for compliance review
Outcomes of compliance reviews
Effect of the OFCCP on discrimination: evidence from compliance reviews
Effect of OFCCP on discrimination: evidence from court cases
New rules, new complexities
The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and antidiscrimination enforcement
Charges against employers brought by individuals
Enforcement through litigation by type of discrimination
Analysis of program effects
Accounting for changes in the black-white wage gap
Overview of major sources of change in the black-white wage gap
1940-60: the decline in the black-white wage gap before Title VII
1960-80: the black-white wage gap continues to decline post-Title VII
After 1980: stagnation of the black-white wage gap
Accounting for changes in the gender wage gap
Skill differentials between women and men
Why the gender gap narrowed after 1980
Effects of affirmative action on the economic status of African American and women workers
Effects of the OFCCP on occupational upgrading
Effects of the OFCCP on relative wages
Labor market discrimination and wage gaps in the 2000s
Wage differences between minorities and whites
The gender gap in wages.

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