

Chapter 1: DNA, Genes, Genomes And Plant Breeding:
1-1: Brief history of genetics
1-2: Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA)
1-3: Genes
1-4: Gene expression
1-5: Genomes
1-6: Genetic change
1-7: Plant breeding
1-8: Modern plant breeding
1-9: Wide and forced crossing and embryo rescue
1-10: Radiation and chemical mutagenesis
1-11: Advent of genetic modification
Chapter 2: Techniques Of Plant Genetic Modification:
2-1: Brief history of the development of recombinant DNA technology
2-2: Agrobacterium tumefaciens
2-3: Use of agrobacterium tumefaciens in plant genetic modification
2-4: Transformation of protoplasts
2-5: Particle gun
2-6: Other direct gene transfer methods
2-7: Agrobacterium-mediated transformation without tissue culture
2-8: Selectable marker genes
2-9: Visual/scoreable marker genes
2-10: Design and construction of genes for introduction into plants
2-11: Promoter types
2-12: Use of GM to characterize gene promoters
2-13: Gene over-expression and silencing
Chapter 3: Use Of GM Crops In Agriculture:
3-1: Why use genetic modification (GM) in plant breeding?
3-2: Slow-ripening fruit
3-3: Herbicide tolerance
3-4: Insect resistance
3-5: Virus resistance
3-6: Modified oil content
3-7: Modified starch for industrial and biofuel uses
3-8: High lysine corn
3-9: Vitamin content: golden rice
3-10: Fungal resistance
3-11: Drought, heat and cold tolerance; climate change
3-12: Salt tolerance
3-13: Biopharming
3-14: Removal of allergens
3-15: Conclusions
Chapter 4: Legislation Covering GM Crops And Foods:
4-1: Safety of GM plants grown in containment
4-2: Safety of field releases of GM plants
4-3: Safety of GM foods
4-4: European Union regulations
4-5: Labelling and traceability regulations
4-6: Safety assessment and labeling requirements in the USA
Chapter 5: Issues That Have Arisen In The GM Crop And Food Debate:
5-1: Are GM foods safe?
5-2: Will genetic modification produce new food allergens?
5-3: Is it ethical to transfer genes between different species?
5-4: Animal studies
5-5: GM crops 'do not work'
5-6: Did tryptophan produced by genetic modification kill people?
5-7: Monarch butterfly
5-8: Pusztai affair
5-9: Alarm caused by contradictory results of biosafety studies
5-10: Superweeds
5-11: Insect resistance to Bt crops
5-12: Segregation of GM and non-GM crops: co-existence of GM and organic farming
5-13: Antibiotic resistance marker genes
5-14: Patenting
5-15: Loss of genetic diversity
5-16: Dominance of multinational companies
5-17: StarLink and ProdiGene affairs
5-18: Cauliflower mosaic virus 35S RNA gene promoter
5-19: Implications for developing countries
5-20: 'Terminator' technology
5-21: Unintentional releases
5-22: Asynchronous approvals
5-23: United Kingdom farm-scale evaluations
5-24: Conclusions

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