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Oversight in hindsight : assessing the U.S. regulatory system in the wake of calamity / Christopher Carrigan and Cary Coglianese
Addressing catastrophic risks : disparate anatomies require tailored therapies / W. Kip Viscusi and Richard Zeckhauser
Beyond belts and suspenders : promoting private risk management in offshore drilling / Lori S. Bennear
Regulation or nationalization? Lessons learned from the 2008 financial crisis / Adam J. Levitin and Susan M. Wachter
Regulating in the dark / Roberta Romano
Partisan media and attitude polarization : the case of healthcare reform / Matthew A. Baum
Citizens' perceptions and the disconnect between economics and regulatory policy / Jonathan Baron, William T. McEnroe, and Christopher Poliquin
Delay in notice and comment rulemaking : evidence of systemic regulatory breakdown? / Jason Webb Yackee and Susan Webb Yackee
The policy impact of public advice : the effects of advisory committee transparency on regulatory performance / Susan L. Moffitt
Reforming securities law enforcement : politics and money at the public, [and] private divide / William W. Bratton and Michael L. Wachter
Why aren't regulation and litigation substitutes? An examination of the capture hypothesis / Eric Helland and Jonathan Klick
Failure by obsolescence : regulatory challenges for the FDA in the twenty-first century / Theodore W. Ruger.

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