

Machine generated contents note: pt. I Formalism, structuralism
1.Art As Technique (1917) / Viktor Shklovsky
2.The Method And The Material And The Functions Of Dramatis Personae (1928) / Vladimir Propp
3.Red As Blood, White As Snow, Black As Crow: Chromatic Symbolism Of Womanhood In Fairy Tales (2007) / Francisco Vaz Da Silva
4.Nature Of The Linguistic Sign (1913) / Ferdinand de Saussure
5.Two Aspects Of Language And Two Types Of Aphasic Disturbances (1971) / Roman Jakobson
6.Myth Today (1957) / Roland Barthes
7.The Semiotic Activity (1997) / Julia Kristeva
pt. II Deconstruction and poststructuralism
8.Derrida (2010) / Pal Ahluwalia
9.Structure, Sign And Play In The Discourse Of The Human Sciences (1967) / Jacques Derrida
10.Feminism And Deconstruction (1988) / Mary Poovey
11.Phenomenology And/As Deconstruction (2002) / Tilottama Rajan
12.Levinas And Laozi On The Deconstruction Of Ethics (2007) / A.T. Nuyen

Contents note continued: 13.Genotext And Phenotext (1974) / Julia Kristeva
pt. III Media, culture and postmodernism
14.The Work Of Art In The Age Of Its Technological Reproducibility (Second Version) (1936) / Walter Benjamin
15."Time" Has Ceased, "Space" Has Vanished. We Now Live In A Global Village (1967) / Quentin Fiore
16.Voices From The Margins: Rap Music And Contemporary Black Cultural Production (1994) / Tricia Rose
17.Islam As News (1981) / Edward Said
18.Recycling Modernity: Pirate Electronic Cultures In India (1999) / Ravi Sundaram
19.Answering The Question: What Is Postmodernism? (1979) / Jean-Francois Lyotard
20.A Postmodern Introduction (1989) / Gerald Vizenor
21.The Precession Of Simulacra (1981) / Jean Baudrillard
22.Surviving Postmodernism (1997) / Ziauddin Sardar
pt. IV Psychoanalysis and its critics
23.The Dream-Work (1900) / Sigmund Freud
24.The "Uncanny" (1919) / Sigmund Freud

Contents note continued: 25.The Mirror Stage As Formative Of The / Function, As Revealed In Psychoanalytic Experience (1949) / Jacques Lacan
26.Jacques Lacan: Madness And The Risks Of Theory (The Uses Of Misprision) (1978) / Shoshana Felman
27.Passing, Queering: Nella Larsen's Psychoanalytic Challenge (1997) / Judith Butler
28.The Machines (1972) / Felix Guattari
29.Hegel I: Taking Deleuze From Behind (2004) / Slavoj Zizek
pt. V Marxism, critical theory and new historicism
30.The Commodity (1867) / Karl Marx
31.The Culture Industry: Enlightenment As Mass Deception (1944) / Max Horkheimer
32.Mass Culture As Big Business (1990) / Fredric Jameson
33.Carnival And The Grotesque Body (1997) / Sue Vice
34.N: On The Theory Of Knowledge, Theory Of Progress (1982) / Walter Benjamin
35.The Potato In The Materialist Imagination (2000) / Stephen Greenblatt

Contents note continued: 36.What The Messenger Of Souls Has To Say: New Historicism And The Poetics Of Chinese Culture (2003) / Daria Berg
pt. VI Race and ethnicity
37.The Fact Of Blackness (1952) / Frantz Fanon
38.The Signifying Monkey And The Language Of Signifyin(G): Rhetorical Difference And The Orders Of Meaning (1988) / Henry Louis Gates, Jr.
39."Not A Story To Pass On": Living Memory And The Slave Sublime (1993) / Paul Gilroy
40.The Complex Face Of Black Canada (1997) / George Elliott Clarke
41.The Future Of (The) "Race": Identity, Discourse And The Rise Of Computer-Mediated Public Spheres (2008) / Dara N. Byrne
42.Race, Colonialism And History: China At The Turn Of The Twentieth Century (2002) / Rebecca E. Karl
43.Race And Ethnicity In Women's And Gender History In Global Perspective (2004) / Pamela Scully
pt. VII Postcolonial studies
44.The Mentality Of Subalternity: Kantanama Or Rajdharma (1990) / Gautam Bhadra

Contents note continued: 45."Can The Subaltern Speak?" (1999) / Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak
46.Orientalism Now (1979) / Edward Said
47.Of Mimicry And Man: The Ambivalence Of Colonial Discourse (1994) / Homi K. Bhabha
48.The African Writer And The English Language (1975) / Chinua Achebe
49.Locating And Celebrating Difference: Writing By South African And Aboriginal Women Writers (1999) / Gina Wisker
50.Godzilla Vs. Post-Colonial (1990) / Thomas King
pt. VIII Gender and queer theory
51.From Interiority To Gender Performatives (1990) / Judith Butler
52.The Melancholic Double Bind (1999) / Slavoj Zizek
53.Scientia Sexualis (1976) / Michel Foucault
54.Epistemology Of The Closet (1990) / Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick
55.Butterfly Kiss: The Contagious Kiss Of Becoming-Lesbian (2009) / Chrysanthi Nigianni
56."My Spirit In My Heart": Identity Experiences And Challenges Among American Indian Two-Spirit Women (2006) / K. L. Walters
pt. IX Feminism

Contents note continued: 57.The Blind Spot Of An Old Dream (1974) / Luce Irigaray
58.Sorties: Out And Out: Attacks/Ways Out/Forays (1975) / Catherine Clement
59.Infection In The Sentence: The Woman Writer And The Anxiety Of Authorship (1979) / Susan D. Gubar
60."Women Of Colour": Writers And Feminist Theory (1994) / Margaret Homans
61.Slaying The Dragon Lady: Toward An Asian American Feminism (1997) / Sonia Shah
62.African Feminism: Toward A New Politics Of Representation (1995) / Gwendolyn Mikell
63.Arab Women's Literary History (2001) / Miriam Cooke
pt. X New textualities
64.Why Disease And Opera? (1996) / Michael Hutcheon
65.Theatre And The Autobiographical Pact (2006) / Sherrill Grace
66.Travel Writing At The Millennium (2003) / Graham Huggan
67.Heading Off The Trail: Language, Literature, And Nature's Resistance To Narrative (2001) / Marian Scholtmeijer
68.Des Tours De Babel (1985) / Jacques Derrida

Contents note continued: 69.Hypertheology (1999) / Hent De Vries
70.Western Identity, The Exhaustion Of Secular Reason, And The Return Of Religion (2010) / Jens Zimmermann
71.Subtraction, Jewish And Christian (2003) / Slavoj Zizek
72.Digital Humanities And Electronic Texts (2009) / Johanna Drucker
73.Imagining The Manuscript And Printed Book In A Digital Age (2010) / Raymond Siemens
74.The Internet In China: Emergent Cultural Formations And Contradictions (2004) / Liu Kang
pt. XI Globalization and global studies
75.Literary Studies And Globalization (2009) / Suman Gupta
76.From Development To Globalization: Postcolonial Studies And Globalization Theory (2004) / Timothy Brennan
77.Is The World Decentred? A Postcolonial Perspective On Globalization (2006) / Shaobo Xie
78.Islam In The Age Of Postmodernity (1994) / Hastings Donnan
79.The Location Of Literature: The Transnational Book And The Migrant Writer (2006) / Rebecca L. Walkowitz.

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