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Introduction: Mobilizing gender, race, and nation / by Kevin Hutchings and Julia M. Wright
Section I: Transatlantic mobility: gender and sexuality. Charlotte Smith and the spectre of America / by Jared Richman
Romantic aesthetics, gender, and transatlantic travel in Anna Brownell Jameson's Winter studies and summer rambles in Canada / by Charity Matthews
Felicia Hemans, Herman Melville and the queer Atlantic / by Daniel Hannah
Section II: Reconfiguring race. Prophets of resistance: Native American shamans and Anglophone writers / by Tim Fulford
Frederick Douglass and transatlantic echoes of the color line / by Bridget Bennett
Pirates and patriots: citizenship, race, and the transatlantic adventure novel / by Sarah H. Ficke
Section III: Cultural exchanges: print, tourism, and politics
Charles Brockden Brown and England: of genres, the Minerva Press, and the early Republican reprint trade / by Eve Tavor Bannet
Romantic Niagara: environmental aesthetics, indigenous culture, and transatlantic tourism, 1794-1850 / by Kevin Hutchings
Beyond the American empire: Charles Brockden Brown and the making of a new global economic order / by Wil Verhoeven.

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