

vol. 1. From earliest times to 1600
vol. 2. From 1600 through the twentieth century.

[Vol 1]. The Oracle-Bone inscriptions of the late Shang dynasty. The Shang Dynasty ; The Oracle-Bone inscriptions ; The legacy of Shang
Classical sources of Chinese tradition
Confucius and the Analects
Mozi: utility, uniformity, and universal love
The Way of Laozi and Zhuangzi. Metaphysics and government in the Laozi ; Transformation and transcendence in the Zhuangzi
The evolution of the Confucian tradition in antiquity. Mencius ; Xunzi ; The Zuozhuan
Legalists and militarists. Li Si: legalist theories in practice ; The military texts: the Sunzi
The Han reaction to Qin absolutism
Syncretic visions of state, society, and cosmos / Harold Roth, Saarah Queen, Nathan Sivin. The theoretical basis of the Imperial institution ; The medical microcosm ; A syncretist perspective on the Six Schools
The Imperial Order and Han syntheses. Guidelines for Han rulers ; Dong Zhongshu ; Codifying of the Confucian canon The formation of the Classic of changes (Yijing) ; Heaven, earth, and the human in the classic of filiality (Xiaojing) ; The Record of rites (Liji) and the ritual tradition ; Han views of the universal order
The economic order. State control of commerce and industry ; The reforms of Wang Mang
The great Han historians. The records of the grand historian
Learning of the mysterious. Wang Bi
Daoist religion
The introduction of Buddhism. Basic teachings of Buddhism ; The coming of Buddhism to China
Schools of Buddhist doctrine. The general character of doctrinal Buddhism ; Schools of Chinese Buddhist philosophy ; Buddhism's assimilation to Tang political culture
Schools of Buddhist practice. The pure land school ; The meditation school ; Buddhist rituals and devotional practices
Social life and political culture in the Tang. The role of Confucianism in the Tang ; The great Tang code ; Debates on taxes and enfeoffment in the Tang ; Li Bo and Du Fu: two Tang poets in a troubled world ; Han Yu and the Confucian "Way"
The Confucian revival in the Song. Institutional, educational, and moral reform in the Song ; The Confucian program of reform ; The Way as the basis for government policy ; The learning of the emperors and the classics mat ; Registering public opinion in the Song ; Historical reflections on government ; The writing of history
Neo-Confucianism: the philosophy of human nature and the Way of the sage. Zhou Dunyi: the metaphysics and practice of sagehood ; The numerically patterned universe in the philosophy of Shao Yong ; Zhang Zai and the unity of all creation ; The Cheng brothers: principle, human nature, and the learning of the Way ; The synthesis of Song neo-Confucianism in Zhu Xi ; The universal mind in Lu Jiuyuan
Zhu Xi's neo-Confucian program
Ideological foundations of late Imperial China. Zhen Dexiu's advice to the emperor ; Xu Heng and Khubilai Khan ; Ming foundations of late Imperial China
Neo-Confucian education. The standard school curriculum
Women's education
Self and society in the Ming. Wang Yangming ; The Wang Yangming school ; Li Zhi: arch-individualist ; Luo Qinshun and the philosophy of qi ; Chen Jian and his Thorough critique ; The practical learning of Lü Kun ; Morality books ; The Donglin Academy ; Liu Zongzhou on life and death.

[Vol. 2]. The Chinese tradition in retrospect. Huang Zongxi's critique of the Chinese dynastic system ; Lü Liuliang's radical orthodoxy ; Late Confucian scholarship: Wang Fuzhi ; Gu Yanwu, beacon of Qing scholarship ; The Han learning and text criticism ; The Qing version of neo-Confucianism orthodoxy
Popular values and beliefs. Ensemble performance ; Solo performance ; Written texts
Chinese responses to early Christian contacts. Yang Guangxian's critique of Christianity ; Zhang Xingyao and the inculturation of Christianity
Chinese statecraft and the opening of China to the West. Chen Hongmou and mid-Qing statecraft ; Statecraft in the grain trade and government-controlled brokerages ; Hong Liangji: on imperial malfeasance and China's population problem ; Gong Zizhen's reformist vision ; Wei Yuan and Confucian practicality ; The Western intrusion into China ; Wei Yuan and the West
The heavenly kingdom of the Taipings. The Taiping economic program
Moderate reform and the self-strengthening movement
Radical reform at the end of the Qing. Wang Tao on reform ; Yan Fu on evolution and progress ; Kang Youwei and the reform movement ; Conservative reactions ; Tan Sitong ; Reform edict of January 29, 1901 ; Liang Qichao ; Advocates of script reform ; Zhang Vinglin's revolutionary nationalism ; Sun Yat-sen and the nationalist revolution ; Hu Hanmin ; Sun Yat-sen ; Democracy and absolutism: the debate over political tutelage ; Chiang Kai-shek: nationalism and traditionalism ; Jiang Jingguo (Chiang Ching-kuo): the Republic of China in Taiwan
The New Culture movement. The attack on Confucianism ; The literary revolution ; The doubting of antiquity ; A new philosophy of life ; The debate on science and the philosophy of life ; The controversy over Chinese and Western culture ; Radical critiques of traditional society
The Communist Revolution. The seedbed of the Communist Revolution: the peasantry and the Anarcho-Communist Movement ; Mao's revolutionary doctrine
Chinese Communist praxis. Mao Zedong: the Rectification Campaign
The Mao regime. Establishment of the People's Republic ; Changes in mid-course ; The Cultural Revolution
Deng's "modernization" and its critics. The turn to stability and modernization ; Early critiques of the Deng regime ; Assessing the new policies ; New demands for change and democracy ; The new authoritarianism
Twentieth-century Christianity in China. Ma Xiangbo ; Zhao Zichen ; Wu Yaozong ; Wang Mingdao ; Wu Jingxiong: Christianity and Chinese tradition
Reopening the debate on Chinese tradition. The new Confucians ; Mou Zongsan's Confucian philosophy ; The continuing critique of tradition.

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