Table of Contents
Federal Theatre Project dreams: raising an educated audience for a permanent American National Theatre
"We should have called it Rumpelstiltskin": a labor fairy tale gets real in The revolt of the beavers
"I looked him right square in the eye": being African American in The story of little black Sambo
"Shadows of your thoughts are marching": anti-fascism and home-front patriotism in Federal Theatre's A letter to Santa Claus and Hollywood's The little princess
Wishing on a star: Pinocchio's journey from the Federal Stage to Disney's world
Death of a dream.
"We should have called it Rumpelstiltskin": a labor fairy tale gets real in The revolt of the beavers
"I looked him right square in the eye": being African American in The story of little black Sambo
"Shadows of your thoughts are marching": anti-fascism and home-front patriotism in Federal Theatre's A letter to Santa Claus and Hollywood's The little princess
Wishing on a star: Pinocchio's journey from the Federal Stage to Disney's world
Death of a dream.