

Introduction: Indigenous and Afro-Ecuadorians facing the twenty-first century / Marc Becker
(Neo)indigenismo and the transculturative praxis of ethnogenesis : a case study from urban Ecuador / Kathleen S. Fine-Dare
The Ecuadorian indigenous movement and the challenges of plurinational state construction / Victor Hugo Jihón
The inheritance of resistance : indigenous women's leadership in Ecuador / Manuela Picq
Ethnic representation of Afro descendant populations in the Ecuadorian (2008) and Bolivian (2009) constitutions / Cristina Echeverri Pineda
Afro inclusion in Ecuador's citizen's revolution / Linda Jean Hall
Reclaiming development : indigenous community organizations and the flower export industry in the Ecuadorian Highlands / Rachel Soper
Eucalypts in northern Ecuador : taking ecological imperialism to new heights / Kenneth Kincaid
Struggles for the meaning of "indigenous" within inculturation theology in Ecuador / Carmen Martínez Novo
Power relations and struggles within indigenous churches and organizations / Juan Illicachi Guzñay
Ángel Guaraca : 'El indio cantor de América' contesting the ideology of the Ecuadorian Mestizo nation / Ketty Wong..

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