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1. Thinking in black and white: an introduction to the moral questions that America's past raises about its present
2. Repairing the slave reparations debate: how I got into an argument with myself about David Horowitz ad lost
3. Advancing the slave reparations debate: bonus objections. bonus responses, and a modest proposal
4. One cheer for affirmative action: why there's nothing wrong with abandoning racial preferences
5. Two cheers for affirmative action: why there's nothing wrong with not abandoning racial preferences, either
6. Why I used to hate hate speech restrictions: appeals to traditional exceptions to freedom of expression and why they all fail
7. Why I still hate hate speech restrictions: new and improved exceptions to freedom of expression and why they fail, too
8. How to stop worrying and learn to love hate crime laws: why objections to hate speech restrictions don't work as objections to hate crimes
9. How to keep on loving hate crime laws: why other objections to hate crime laws don't work, either
10. Is racial profiling irrational?: the answer isn't black and white
11. Is racial profiling immoral?: a reluctant defense of America's least popular form of discrimination.

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