

Edward Coles and the election that kept Illinois a free state
Brooklyn, Illinois
From model plantation to liberation: the journey of Dr. Silas Hamilton
Elijah Lovejoy
The Underground Railroad
Elijah Dimmock: Second Street abolitionist
Thaddeus Hurlbut
Lyman Trumbull
The Lincoln-Douglas debate in Alton
Keeping St. Louis firearms out of rebel hands
Alton's Turner Hall: a Union bastion
The federal military prison in Alton
Griffin Frost: Confederate prisoner of war
Mary Ann Pitman: the cross-dressing spy
The Confederate underground
The thirteenth amendment
Alton's Turner Hall
The nation's oldest Memorial Day parade
Griffin Frost: newspaper publisher and author
The political odyssey of Lyman Trumbull
Thaddeus Hurlbut: the years of disappointment
Elijah Lovejoy: abolitionist or not?
The Sam Davis 803 chapter of the United Daughters of the Confederacy
The Rocky Fork Church
The Alton prison and Smallpox Island
The Hamilton School in Otterville
Philip Mercer: minister, author, Confederate partisan.

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