

pt. 1. Gulag from the outside
The NKVD : villain or protector?
First acquaintance with Gulag NKVD : meeting at the Central Committee of the CPSU
Meeting in the Cadres Department of Gulag NKVD
Forty-five days to Pechorlag
pt. 2. Gulag from the inside
At the camp administration
Unit foreman, first contingent of prisoners : Soviet volunteer ski troops from the Finnish War
The unit bosses
A change in leadership at Pechorlag
Transferred to the 93rd Unit, labor force : hardened criminals
Attempted prisoner revolt in the 93rd Unit
Boss and foreman at the 95th Unit, labor force : political prisoners
Threat of arrest
The war
Recovery and return to work in the southern part of the camp
Boss of a militarized section, labor force : captured German prisoners of war
Boss of a railway division, labor force : professional railwaymen
The "liberated" secretary of the Communist Youth Organization
Fascist military landing force
Deputy boss in the Political Department for Komsomol work at the NKVD's Road-Building Camp No. 3
pt. 3. Interesting asides
Some railroad recollections
Peschanka, a village of dekulakized people on the River Pechora
The countryside of Komi on the River Usa
Women at Pechorlag
A fellow traveler from Abez to Pechora
pt. 4. Final words
The end of my story
The real essence of the Gulag
Afterword: The nature of memoir
Appendix 1: Pretexts for arrest under Lenin and Stalin period
Appendix 2: Article 58 of the RSFSR Criminal Code
Appendix 3: Glossary.

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