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Social movements and revolutions
Revolutionary movements: critical factors
Revolutions that failed
Theories of revolution
Are revolutions developing or occurring now?
References and further readings
The Russian revolutions and Eastern Europe
Geography and population
The setting for revolution
The Russian Social Democratic party
The attempted Revolution of 1905
The Revolutions of 1917
Assessing the Bolshevik seizure of power
The Civil War
Leadership struggle
The Soviet Union under Stalin
The Russian revolution: long-term consequences
The Soviet Union and revolution in Eastern Europe
The solidarity movement and the roots of conflict in post-Communist party states
The disintegration of the Soviet Union
Economic and political trends
Health and related issues
The disintegration of Yugoslavia and the tragedy of Bosnia
Color revolutions
Conflict between Georgia and Russia in 2008
Summary and analysis
Russian revolutions: chronology of major events
References and further readings
Selected DVD, film, and videocassette documentaries
Revolution in China
Geography and population
Social and historical settings for revolution
The development of the Republican movement
Civil war in China
The People's Republic of China: 1949-1990
The great proletarian cultural revolution: 1966-1968
Post-1978 reforms
The 1989 prodemocracy demonstrations
China's economic and political systems in the 1990s
China's economic success relative to the former USSR
morality and the future of the Chinese revolution
China's progress, problems, policies, and plans for the future
Summary and analysis
Chinese revolution: chronology of major events
References and further readings
Selected DVD, film, and videocassette documentaries
The Vietnamese revolution
Geography and population
Early cultural and political characteristics
French conquest
The French impact on Vietnam
Resistance to French rule
The impact of World War II
The French Indochina War: 1946-1954
The 1954 Geneva Accords on Indochina
U.S. involvement in Vietnam: 1954-1975
Aftermath and related developments
Summary and analysis
Vietnamese revolution: chronology of major events
References and further readings
Selected DVD, film, and videocassette documentaries
The Cuban revolution
Geography and population
Prerevolutionary political history
Economy and social classes
Revolutionary Cuba
U.S. reactions to the revolution
Cuba and revolution in other countries
Cuba and Venezuela's Bolivarian revolution and the democratic shift to the left of Latin America
Cuban economy and political system
Summary and analysis
Cuban Revolution: chronology of major events
References and further readings
Selected DVD, film, and videocassette documentaries
Revolution in Nicaragua
Geography and population
Nicaragua before the revolution
The revolution
Postrevolutionary government, changes, and conflicts
U.S. and world reactions to the revolution
1989 peace agreement and 1990 election
Nicaragua in the 1990s
Why were Republican administrations so hostile?
Nicaragua after the Violeta Chamorro presidency
Daniel Ortega and the FSLN regain the presidency
Summary and analysis
Nicaraguan revolution: chronology of major events
References and further readings
Selected DVD, film, and videocassette documentaries
The Iranian revolution and Islamic fundamentalism
Geography and population
National culture
The Qajar dynasty and foreign influence
The Pahlavi dynasty
The setting for revolution
The revolutionary process
Revolutionary Iran
Iran after Khomeini
Iran and the 1991 Gulf War
Iran and Islamic revolution elsewhere
Iran, Afghanistan, the war on terror, and the US-led invasion and occupation of Iraq
Developments after the election of Obama
Summary and analysis
Iranian revolution: chronology of major events
References and further readings
Selected DVD, film, and videocassette documentaries
Islamic revolutionary movements
Historical background of Islamic fundamentalism
Fundamentalism, millenarianism, and revolutionary potential in Shia Islam
Contemporary revolutionary fundamentalism in Sunna Islam: Hamas, Al Qaeda, Taliban
The war in Iraq
Hezbollah and the war with Israel
Summary and analysis
Islamic revolutionary movements: chronology of major events
References and further readings
Selected DVD, film, and videocassette documentaries
South Africa
Geography and population
Dutch and British colonization
The union of South Africa
The apartheid state
Changes in the apartheid system
Opposition to apartheid
Counterinsurgency strategies of the regime in the 1980s
Reforming apartheid
The dismantling of apartheid
South Africa after apartheid
Summary and analysis
South Africa: chronology of major events
References and further readings
Selected DVD, film, and videocassette documentaries
Revolution through democracy
Revolution to democracy
Revolution through democracy: the Venezuelan exception
Revolution through democracy
Elections in other nations
Summary and analysis
Chronology of major events
References and further readings
Selected DVD, film, and videocassette documentaries
Some comparisons among the case studies
Inadequacies in the theories of revolution
Revolutions of the future?
References and further readings.

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