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Part 1:
Slavery in ancient Greece
2: Slavery and the bible
3: Hugo Grotius on slavery and the law of nations (1625)
4: Somerset v Stewart (1771-1772) and its consequences
5: John Wesley and the sins of slavery (1774)
6: Declaration of Independence and the issue of slavery (1776)
7: Human nature and the Constitution
8: Compromises with respect to equality in the Constitution (1787)
9: States in the Constitution (1787)
10: Federalist on slavery and the Constitution (1787-1788)
11: Hannah More and other poets on slavery (1798-1847)
12: Suppression of the international slave trade
13: John Quincy Adams and John C Calhoun on the abolitionist petitions to congress
Part 2:
1: Fugitive slave laws (1793, 1850)
2: Frederick Douglas and Uncle Tom's Cabin (1852)
3: Chief Justice Taney and the Dred Scott case (1857)
4: Dred Scott case dissenters (1857)
5: Abraham Lincoln in Cincinnati (1859, 1861)
6: Stephen A Douglas in Montgomery (November 1860)
7: Ordinances of secession (1860-1861)
8: Declarations of causes issued by seceding states (1860-1861)
9: Confederate Constitution (1861)
10: Abraham Lincoln, the Civil War generals, and slavery (1861-1865)
11: Ralph Waldo Emerson and the Emancipation Proclamation (1862)
12: Civil War amendments (1865, 1868, 1870)
13: Lost cause transformed
A: Declaration of Independence (1776)
B: Northwest Ordinance (1787)
C: United States Constitution (1787)
D: Amendments to the United States Constitution (1791-1992)
E: Confederate Constitution (1861)
F: On the relations of slaves to masters who considered them "nothings"
G: Roster of cases and other materials drawn on
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