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Introduction. A framework for internationalizing teacher preparation / Beverly D. Shaklee and Supriya Baily
section 1. Preparations for teaching international populations: what are the knowledge, skills, and attitudes? A comparison of K-12 multicultural and international education in the United States / Natasha G. Kolar
Intercultural competence for teaching and learning / Kenneth Cushner
The critical role of language in international classrooms / Rebecca K. Fox
One size fits all: balancing internationalization and standardization of the U.S. education system / Laura C. Engel and Kate Olden
Global perspectives on the internationalization of teacher education: through an Australian lens / Libby Tudball
section 2. Areas of complexity and confluence: questions still to be answered in U.S. schools and teacher education. Engaging teachers in building relationships with international families / Monimalika Day
Redefining vulerability in American schools: reaching and teaching students after international crises / Supriya Baily
Understanding secondary models for advanced programs in the United States / Kimberley Daly
STEM disciplines and world languages: influences from an international teacher exchange / Wendy M. FRazier Rebecca K. Fox, and Margret A. Hjalmarson
Pedagogical diversity and the need for contextually responsive teacher education in the United States / Rachel grant and Maryam Salahshoor
Expanding horizons through technology for teachers and students / Debra Sprague
section 3. Concluding thoughts: developing opportunities to internationalize teacher education / Beverly D. Shaklee.

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