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Table of Contents
Advancing the cause of democracy : the origins of protest in the long civil rights movement
Sleeping on another man's wounds : the battle for integrated schools in the 1950s
Nothing but victory can stop us : direct action and political action in the early 1960s
Venceremos : the evolution of civil rights in the mid-1960s
Am I my brother's keeper? : ecumenical activism in the Lone Star State
The day of nonviolence is past : the era of Brown power and Black power in Texas
Pawns, puppets, and ccapegoats : school desegregation in the late 1960s and early 1970s.
Sleeping on another man's wounds : the battle for integrated schools in the 1950s
Nothing but victory can stop us : direct action and political action in the early 1960s
Venceremos : the evolution of civil rights in the mid-1960s
Am I my brother's keeper? : ecumenical activism in the Lone Star State
The day of nonviolence is past : the era of Brown power and Black power in Texas
Pawns, puppets, and ccapegoats : school desegregation in the late 1960s and early 1970s.