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Kabbalah : introductory remarks
Abraham Abulafia and ecstatic kabbalah
Abraham Abulafia's activity in Italy
Ecstatic kabbalah as an experiential lore
Abraham Abulafia's hermeneutics
Eschatological themes and divine names in Abulafia's kabbalah
Abraham Abulafia and R. Menahem ben Benjamin : thirteenth-century kabbalistic and Ashkenazi manuscripts in italy
R. Menahem ben Benjamin Recanati
Menahem Recanati as a theosophical-theurgical kabbalist
Menahem Recanati's hermeneutics
Ecstatic kabbalah from the fourteenth through mid-fifteenth centuries
The kabbalistic-philosophical-magical exchanges in Italy
Prisca theologia : R. Isaac Abravanel, Leone Ebreo, and R. Elijah Hayyim of Genazzano
R. Yohanan ben Yitzhaq Alemanno
Jewish mystical thought in Lorenzo il Magnifico's Florence
Other mystical and magical literatures in Renaissance Florence
Spanish kabbalists in Italy after the expulsion
Diverging types of kabbalah in late-fifteenth-century Italy
Jewish kabbalah in Christian garb
Anthropoids from the Middle Ages to Renaissance Italy
Astromagical pneumatic anthropoids from medieval Spain to Renaissance Italy
The trajectory of eastern kabbalah and its reverberations in Italy
Concluding remarks.

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