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Table of Contents
Freedom of speech and press : exceptions to the First Amendment / Kathleen Ann Ruane
Regulation of broadcast indecency : background and legal analysts / Kathleen Ann Ruane
Obscenity, child pornography, and indecency : brief background and recent developments / Kathleen Ann Ruane
Obscenity and indecency : constitutional principles and federal statutes / Henry Cohen
Military personnel and freedom of religious expression : selected legal issues / R. Chuck Mason, Cynthia Brougher
Legal standing under the First Amendment's establishment clause / Cynthia Brougher
The constitutionality of regulating corporate expenditures : a brief analysis of the Supreme Court ruling in Citizens United v. FEC / L. Paige Whitaker
Testimony of Laurence H. Tribe, House of Representatives Committee on the Judiciary, hearing on "the First Amendment and campaign finance reform after Citizens United"
Testimony of Monica Youn, counsel at the Brennan Center for Justice at NYU School of Law, before the Committee on the Judiciary, hearing on "the First Amendment and campaign finance reform after Citizens United"
The constitutionality of campaign finance regulation : Buckley v. Valeo and its Supreme Court progeny / L. Paige Whitaker.
Regulation of broadcast indecency : background and legal analysts / Kathleen Ann Ruane
Obscenity, child pornography, and indecency : brief background and recent developments / Kathleen Ann Ruane
Obscenity and indecency : constitutional principles and federal statutes / Henry Cohen
Military personnel and freedom of religious expression : selected legal issues / R. Chuck Mason, Cynthia Brougher
Legal standing under the First Amendment's establishment clause / Cynthia Brougher
The constitutionality of regulating corporate expenditures : a brief analysis of the Supreme Court ruling in Citizens United v. FEC / L. Paige Whitaker
Testimony of Laurence H. Tribe, House of Representatives Committee on the Judiciary, hearing on "the First Amendment and campaign finance reform after Citizens United"
Testimony of Monica Youn, counsel at the Brennan Center for Justice at NYU School of Law, before the Committee on the Judiciary, hearing on "the First Amendment and campaign finance reform after Citizens United"
The constitutionality of campaign finance regulation : Buckley v. Valeo and its Supreme Court progeny / L. Paige Whitaker.