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The development of pre-state communities in the ancient Near East / Diane Bolger and Louise C. Maguire
pt. 1. Social organisation and complexity in pre-state communities
Social complexity and archaeology : a contextual approach / Marc Verhoeven
Late Neolithic architectural renewal : the emergence of round houses in the northern Levant, c. 6500-6000 BC / Peter M.M.G. Akkermans
Abandonment processes and closure ceremonies in prehistoric Cyprus : in search of ritual / Demetra Papaconstantinou
A different Chalcolithic : a central Cypriot scene / David Frankel
Thoughts on the function of "public buildings" in the early Bronze Age southern Levant / Hermann Genz
pt. 2. Early urban communities and the emergence of the state
The Tell : social archaeology and territorial space / Tony Wilkinson
Rethinking Kalopsidha : from specialisation to state marginalisation / Lindy Crewe
From kin to class
and back again! : changing paradigms of the early polity / Anne Porter
Different models of power structuring at the rise of hierarchical societies in the Near East : primary economy versus luxury and defence management / Marcella Frangipane
States of hegemony : early forms of political contol in Syria during the 3rd millennium BC / Lisa Cooper
pt. 3. Techology, economy, and society
A household affair? : pottery production in the Burnt Village at late Neolithic Tell Sabi Abyad / Olivier Nieuwenhuyse
Late Cypriot ceramic production : heterarchy or hierarchy? / Louise Steel
The domestication of stone : early lime plaster technology in the Levant / Gordon Thomas
Domestication of plants and animals, domestication of symbols? / Danielle Stordeur
Herds lost in time : animal remains from the 1969-1970 excavation seasons at the ceramic Neolithic settlement of Philia-Drakos site A, Cyprus / Paul Croft
pt. 4. Agency, identity, and gender
Agency in the pre-pottery Neolithic A / Bill Finlayson
Understanding symbols : putting meaning into the painted pottery of prehistoric northern Mesopotamia / Stuart Campbell
Gender and social complexity in prehistoric and protohistoric Cyprus / Diane Bolger
The painting process of white painted and white slip wares : communities of practice / Louise C. Maguire
The ceramic industry of Deneia : crafting community and place in middle Bronze Age Cyprus / Jennifer M. Webb
pt. 5. Insularity, ethnicity, and cultural interaction
Outside the corridor? : the neolithisation of Cyprus / Carole McCartney
Contextualising Neolithic Cyprus : preliminary investigations into connections between Cyprus and the Near East in the later Neolithic / Joanne Clarke
Was Çatalhöyük a centre? : the implications of a late aceramic Neolithic assemblage from the neighbourhood of Çatalhöyük / Douglas Baird
The birth of ethnicity in Iran : Mesopotamian-Elamite cross-cultural relations in late prehistory / Andrew McCarthy.

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