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Table of Contents
Introduction: Spanish territories, global geographies: exploring space and place in a new Spain
The production of space and place in Franco's Spain, 1953-1970
Building beyond Spain: readings from the Spanish novel, 1970-1989
Sacred Spain: creative destruction in the Spanish cinema, 1961-2000
The world will be redonda, or the dark back of community: the narrative world of Javier Marías, 1989-1996
Preserving the house while pursuing the world: Julio Medem's engagement with Basque space, from Vacas to La Pelota Vasca, 1992-2003
Afterword: Spanish grammars of creation: re-conceiving, perceiving, and practicing space for the twenty-first century.
The production of space and place in Franco's Spain, 1953-1970
Building beyond Spain: readings from the Spanish novel, 1970-1989
Sacred Spain: creative destruction in the Spanish cinema, 1961-2000
The world will be redonda, or the dark back of community: the narrative world of Javier Marías, 1989-1996
Preserving the house while pursuing the world: Julio Medem's engagement with Basque space, from Vacas to La Pelota Vasca, 1992-2003
Afterword: Spanish grammars of creation: re-conceiving, perceiving, and practicing space for the twenty-first century.