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Table of Contents
Elias Boudinot and the Cherokee Phoenix: the sponsors of literacy they were and were not / Ellen Cushman
Testimony as a sponsor of literacy: Bernice Robinson and the South Carolina Sea Island citizenship program's literacy activism / Rhea Estell Lathan
Beyond the Protestant literacy myth / Carol Mattingly
Writing the life of Henry Obookiah: the sponsorship of literacy and identity / Morris Young
Sponsoring education for all: revisting the sacred/secular divide in thwenty-first century Zanzibar / Julie Nelson Christoph
Connecting literacy to sustainability: revisiting Literacy as involvement / Kim Donehower
Toward a labor economy of literacy: academic frictions / Bruce Horner and Min-Zhan Lu
The unintended consequences of sponsorship / Eli Goldblatt and David J. Jolliffe
Making literacy work: a "pheonmenal woman" negotiating her literacy identity in and for an Afircan American women's club / Beverly J. Moss and Robyn Lyons-Robinson
Seeking sponsors, accumulating literacies: Deborah Brandt and English education / Michael W. Smith
Combining phenomenological and sociohistoric frameworks for studying literace practices: some implications of Deborah Brandt's methdological trajectory / Paul Prior
Beyond Literate lives: collaboration, literacy narratives, transnational connections, and digital media / Cynthia L. Selfe and Gail E. Hawisher
Epilogue: literacy studies and interdisciplinary studies with notes on the place of Deborah Brandt / Harvey J. Graff.
Testimony as a sponsor of literacy: Bernice Robinson and the South Carolina Sea Island citizenship program's literacy activism / Rhea Estell Lathan
Beyond the Protestant literacy myth / Carol Mattingly
Writing the life of Henry Obookiah: the sponsorship of literacy and identity / Morris Young
Sponsoring education for all: revisting the sacred/secular divide in thwenty-first century Zanzibar / Julie Nelson Christoph
Connecting literacy to sustainability: revisiting Literacy as involvement / Kim Donehower
Toward a labor economy of literacy: academic frictions / Bruce Horner and Min-Zhan Lu
The unintended consequences of sponsorship / Eli Goldblatt and David J. Jolliffe
Making literacy work: a "pheonmenal woman" negotiating her literacy identity in and for an Afircan American women's club / Beverly J. Moss and Robyn Lyons-Robinson
Seeking sponsors, accumulating literacies: Deborah Brandt and English education / Michael W. Smith
Combining phenomenological and sociohistoric frameworks for studying literace practices: some implications of Deborah Brandt's methdological trajectory / Paul Prior
Beyond Literate lives: collaboration, literacy narratives, transnational connections, and digital media / Cynthia L. Selfe and Gail E. Hawisher
Epilogue: literacy studies and interdisciplinary studies with notes on the place of Deborah Brandt / Harvey J. Graff.