@article{494134, note = {"Published by order of the House of Lords.": a re-print of the edition issued as a Parliamentary paper.}, url = {http://library.usi.edu/record/494134}, title = {A report from the Lords committees to whom the report and original papers delivered by the House of Commons at several conferences were referred, And who were Impowered by the House of Lords to Examine Christopher Layer, and such other Persons as they from time to time should think proper; and to whom several Informations and Papers laid before the House by His Majesty's Command relating to the Conspiracy mentioned in His Majesty's Speech at the Opening of this Parliament, to be carrying on against his Person and Government, were referred. Which Report was made by His Grace the Duke of Dorset On Tuesday the Twenty Third of April, 1723. Together with the Appendix, containing Examinations, Letters and other Papers referred to in the said Report. As also The Resolution of the House thereupon, and the Thanks given to the Lords Committees by the Lord Chancellor by Order of the House. Publish'd by Order of the House of Lords. [electronic resource] :}, publisher = {re-printed by Tho. Hume, in Smoak-Alley; Where may be had the Tryal of Counsellor Layer, and the Report of the Committee, with the Appendixes thereto in the same Volume with this,}, recid = {494134}, pages = {38p. ;}, address = {Dublin :}, year = {1723}, }