TY - GEN AU - Ramsay, Allan, CY - [Edinburgh, DA - 1720] ID - 494150 LK - https://univsouthin.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://find.gale.com/ecco/infomark.do?contentSet=ECCOArticles&docType=ECCOArticles&bookId=0149302800&type=getFullCitation&tabID=T001&prodId=ECCO&docLevel=TEXT_GRAPHICS&version=1.0&source=library&userGroupName=usi N1 - Anonymous. By Allan Ramsay. N1 - Drop-head title. N1 - Includes: 'An epistle to Anthony Hammond Esq; with the foregoing poem. By Dr. Sewell', dated London, July 1720, and probably reprinted from the London edition. N1 - Also issued in early states of 'Poems', Edinburgh, 1720, from which separate copies may have been extracted. N1 - Reproduction of original from Harvard University Houghton Library. PP - [Edinburgh, PY - 1720] T1 - Wealth, or, the woody TI - Wealth, or, the woody UR - https://univsouthin.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://find.gale.com/ecco/infomark.do?contentSet=ECCOArticles&docType=ECCOArticles&bookId=0149302800&type=getFullCitation&tabID=T001&prodId=ECCO&docLevel=TEXT_GRAPHICS&version=1.0&source=library&userGroupName=usi ER -