@article{499756, recid = {499756}, author = {Ploughman, William.}, title = {Oeconomy in brewing. The second edition. Concise instructions for brewing in private families. Calculated solely for the use of those who are desirous of brewing their own beer. Therein IS Laid Down The Method Of Obtaining IT Fine And Good Flavored, With every other useful Direction for Private Brewing, Management of the Cellar, &c. &c. By Wm. Ploughman. [electronic resource] :}, publisher = {printed for the author, by J. S. Hollis; sold also by W. Richardson, Bookseller, Royal Exchange, London; Collins, Salisbury; Baker Southampton; Robbins and Blagden, Winchester; Rutter, Lymington; and Donaldson, Portsmouth; Crutwell, Bath: Bulgin and Shepherd, Bristol: and all other booksellers,}, address = {Romsey :}, pages = {38p. ;}, year = {1797}, note = {Reproduction of original from Cambridge University Library.}, url = {http://library.usi.edu/record/499756}, }