TY - GEN T1 - Candid and impartial considerations on the preliminary articles of peace with France and Spain,and the provisional treaty with the United States of America. By a country gentleman. DA - MDCCLXXXIII. [1783] CY - London : AU - Country Gentleman. CN - Eighteenth Century Collections Online PB - printed for J. Robson, Bookseller, New Bond-Street, PP - London : PY - MDCCLXXXIII. [1783] N1 - Reproduction of original from Harvard University Houghton Library. ID - 503996 TI - Candid and impartial considerations on the preliminary articles of peace with France and Spain,and the provisional treaty with the United States of America. By a country gentleman. LK - https://univsouthin.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://find.gale.com/ecco/infomark.do?contentSet=ECCOArticles&docType=ECCOArticles&bookId=0426801500&type=getFullCitation&tabID=T001&prodId=ECCO&docLevel=TEXT_GRAPHICS&version=1.0&source=library&userGroupName=usi UR - https://univsouthin.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://find.gale.com/ecco/infomark.do?contentSet=ECCOArticles&docType=ECCOArticles&bookId=0426801500&type=getFullCitation&tabID=T001&prodId=ECCO&docLevel=TEXT_GRAPHICS&version=1.0&source=library&userGroupName=usi ER -