@article{515614, note = {Printed in two columns.}, author = {Homer.}, url = {http://library.usi.edu/record/515614}, title = {The works of Homer, the celebrated Grecian poet: including new and complete editions of the Iliad, and the Odyssey; Those very celebrated and universally-admited Epic or Heroic Poems. The Iliad-in twenty four Books-Being composed on the Subject of the memorable Siege of Troy-Interspersed with the most beautiful Allegories, and containing a most sublime Description of the Battles between the Greeks and Trojans, during a Ten Years Siege, in which the Great and Valiant Achilles, the principal Hero of the War, after his Reconciliation with Agamemnon, slew Hector with his own Hand, and afterwards dragged the Corpse at his Chariot. Wheels round the Walls of Troy. Comprizing a great Variety of valuable and useful Maxims on Military Discipline, Stratagem, Exploits in Civil Affairs, Politics, Virtue, Resolution, Prudence, Oeconomy, and, in short, respecting all the various Offices and Duties of Human Life; and affording the most important, agreeable, and entertaining Instruction, conveyed in the most lively Manner, to Mankind in general. The Odyssey-Composed also in Twenty-Four Books-And containing, among a Variety of other useful and entertaining Particulars, a most magnificent and delightful Description of the Voyages and Adventures of the wise and venerable Ulysses, King of Ithaca, in Greece, and one of the Princes who conducted the Siege of Troy, during his Absence for Twenty Years from his Queen Penelope. Exhibiting not only a just Picture of the Ancient Grecians, but a beautiful System of Morality, Wisdom, Fortitude, Perseverance, Moderation and Temperance, instructive to all Degrees of Men, and filled with striking Images, Similies, Examples, and Precepts of Civil and Domestic Life. Including also that other excellent Piece of Homer, entitled The battle of the frogs and mice -in Three Books-A very beautiful, ingenious, satyrical, and interesting Production, replete with Wit, Humour, and Entertainment, allegorically describing the Valour and Intrepidity of those sagacious Animals. Carefully translated from the original Greek. In the Execution of this New and Improved Edition, all former Editors and Commentators on Homer will be carefully consulted and attended to, viz. Eustathius, Dacies, Ogilby, Chapman, Dryden, Parnel, Warburton, &c. particularly that hitherto most esteemed Translation by Alex. Pope, Esq. Illustrated with large and valuable notes, Critical, Historical, Philosophical, Allegorical, Poetical, Scholastic, Political, Moral, Entertaining, Philological, and Explanatory. Comprehending the most salutary Reflections and useful Remarks, with many important References to Ancient Mythology, Geography, and Universal History, &c. &c. - To which will be carefully added, The Arguments at large to every Book or Chapter, and the most Authentic Memoirs of the Life of Homer; as also A New Essay on Homer's Battdes, &c. and a Complete Geographical Table of the Towns, &c. in Homer's Catalogue of Greece. Being the most perfect and beautiful Edition of Homer ever published, and calculated to accommodate and please every Class of Readers. The whole embellished with A most Superb Set of Grand Quarto copper-plates, Designed and engraved by the most Capital Artists: so that these Elegant Engravings will alone be worth more than the Purchase-Money of the whole Work. The whole revised, corrected, and improved by William Henry Melmoth, Esq. Editor of the New and Beautiful Quarto Edition of Telemachus,-The New Abridgment of the Roman History, &c. &c. [electronic resource] :}, publisher = {printed for Alex. Hogg, at the King's Arms, No. 16, Paternoster-Row; and sold by all other booksellers and news-carriers, in town and country,}, recid = {515614}, pages = {659,[5]p.,40 plates :}, address = {London :}, year = {1780}, }