An address to the proprietors of the South-Sea capital. [electronic resource] : Containing, a discovery of the illicit trade, carry'd on in the West-Indies; and shewing the great Detriment thereof to the Publick; and the Necessity of Discouraging it with Rigour, notwithstanding the Pains taken to gloss it over; and to Recommend your cautious and tender Resentments. By a proprietor of the said company.
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An address to the proprietors of the South-Sea capital. [electronic resource] : Containing, a discovery of the illicit trade, carry'd on in the West-Indies; and shewing the great Detriment thereof to the Publick; and the Necessity of Discouraging it with Rigour, notwithstanding the Pains taken to gloss it over; and to Recommend your cautious and tender Resentments. By a proprietor of the said company.
Publication Details
London : printed for Stephen Austen at the Angel and Bible in St. Paul's Church-Yard, M.DCC.XXXII. [1732]
Place of Publication or Printing
Great Britain -- England -- London.
16p. : ill. ; 2⁰.
Price from imprint: price One Shilling.
Reproduction of original from British Library.
Reproduction of original from British Library.
Access Note
Access limited to authorized users.
Indexed In
English Short Title Catalog, T107811.
Electronic reproduction. Farmington Hills, Mich. : Cengage Gale, 2009. Available via the World Wide Web. Access limited by licensing agreements.
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