The merchant and seaman's guardian in the British channel. [electronic resource] : Containing a new and accurate abstractive account of the bearings, courses, and distances of the different headlands in the English Channel, from the Buoy of the Nore to Orford-ness and the scilly islands. With a curious account of the sands, channels &c. in the king's channel, queen's channel, swin, over the Flatts, through the Gull Stream, &c. Together with tables of the tide; and the bearings, courses, and distances from several headlands in England to others in France. With directions for the most capital harbours on the English coast. The whole composed from actual surveys and observations, made within there two years; and set down according to the magnetic meidian in the channel, in the year 1777. By Stuart Amos Arnold.
The merchant and seaman's guardian in the British channel. [electronic resource] : Containing a new and accurate abstractive account of the bearings, courses, and distances of the different headlands in the English Channel, from the Buoy of the Nore to Orford-ness and the scilly islands. With a curious account of the sands, channels &c. in the king's channel, queen's channel, swin, over the Flatts, through the Gull Stream, &c. Together with tables of the tide; and the bearings, courses, and distances from several headlands in England to others in France. With directions for the most capital harbours on the English coast. The whole composed from actual surveys and observations, made within there two years; and set down according to the magnetic meidian in the channel, in the year 1777. By Stuart Amos Arnold.