@article{525667, recid = {525667}, title = {Miscellanea aurea or the golden medley. Consisting of I. A voyage to the mountains of the moon under the Æquator, or Parnassus reform'd. II. The fortunate shipwreck, or a description of New Athens, being an account of the laws, manners, religion, and customs of that country; by Morris Williams, Gent. who resided there above twenty years. III. Alberoni, or a vindication of that Cardinal. IV. The secret history of the amours of Don Alonzo, Duke of Lerma, grandee of Spain. V. The garden of Adonis, or love to no purpose; being above twenty copies of verses and love-letters, by a lady. VI. Mahomet no impostor, written in Arabick by Abdulla Mahumed Omar. VII. An account of bad and good women, ancient and modern. Among which is the story of the Spartan dame, the subject of Mr. Southern's play. With several other epistolary essays in prose and verse: by Mr. Milton, the Lady W- Mr. Philips, Mr. Killegrew, author of the Chit chat, and several others. [electronic resource] :}, publisher = {printed for A. Bettesworth in Pater-Noster-Row, and J. Pemberton in Fleet-Street,}, address = {London :}, pages = {[16],295,[1]p. ;}, year = {1720}, note = {A collection of stories and poems written mainly by Thomas Killigrew the younger. }, url = {http://library.usi.edu/record/525667}, }