@article{526028, recid = {526028}, title = {The rudiments of architecture or, the young workman's instructor. In two parts. Part First, Containing The five Orders of Columns entire, with Frontispieces, Doors, Windows, Porticoes, Intercolumniations, and Arcades, suited to each; Rustic Doors and Windows; Block and Cantaliver Cornices; Rustic; Quoins; the manner of constructing Brick and Stone-Arches; Centuring for Groins and Vaulting; Stairs, Twisted Rails, Roofs and Domes; Inspectional Scales, Tables, &c. Directions for Drawing Plans and Elevations with Indian Ink: Likewise, the French and Spanish Orders. Part Second, Containing Geometry; the Mensuration of Solids and Supersicies; Plain Trigonometry, and Surveying of Land. With twenty-four elegant designs of buildings, the most of which have been actually executed in North Britain. To which is added, the builder's dictionary : Intended for those whose time will not allow them to attend Teachers. [electronic resource] :}, publisher = {printed for G. Milln, bookseller, Dundee,}, address = {Edinburgh :}, pages = {vii,[1],127,[1],6,[16]p.,plates ;}, year = {1799}, note = {Reproduction of original from British Library.}, url = {http://library.usi.edu/record/526028}, }