

pt. 1. Exploring the ten skill sets (and beyond). Taking responsibility ; Developing physical skills ; Communicating verbally ; Communicating in writing ; Working directly with people ; Influencing people ; Gathering information ; Using quantitative tools ; Asking and answering the right questions ; Solving problems ; Moving beyond the ten skills sets
pt. 2. Boosting your skills score. Making smart academic choices for skill development ; Creating your own apprenticeships ; Exploring off-campus semesters ; Doing well by doing good during your college years ; Thinking about education beyond college
pt. 3. Launching your career. Exploring career fields ; Planning your skills agenda ;
Branding yourself through resumes, cover letters, and interviews ; Developing your career network
The skills for success college planner.

pt. I. Exploring the ten skill sets (and beyond)
Taking responsibility
Motivate yourself
Be ethical
Manage your time
Manage your money
Developing physical skills
Stay well
Look good
Type well
Write legibly
Communicating verbally
Converse one-on-one
Present to groups
Use visual displays
Communicating in writing
Write well
Edit and proof
Use word-processing tools
Master online communications
Working directly with people
Build good relationships
Work in teams
Teach others
Influencing people
Manage effectively
Sell successfully
Politick wisely
Lead effectively
Gathering information
Search the Web
Use library holdings
Use commercial databases
Conduct interviews
Use surveys
Keep and use records
Using quantitative tools
Use numbers
Use graphs and tables
Use spreadsheet programs
Asking and answering the right questions
Detect nonsense
Pay attention to detail
Apply knowledge
Evaluate actions and policies
Solving problems
Identify problems
Develop solutions
Launch solutions
Moving beyond the ten skills sets
Gain software expertise in addition to Microsoft Word and Excel
Master in-depth knowledge of any field
Develop foreign language skills
Emphasize artistic and music knowledge and/or skill
Capitalize on sports skills
Pursue pleasure activities.

pt. II. Boosting your skills score
Making smart academic choices for skill development
Follow the 50-50 principle
Maximize program choices
Select courses for skills
Investigate professors
Creating your own apprenticeships
Explore apprentice-based education
Build your base
Land good summer jobs and internships
Make the most of your experiences
Exploring off-campus semesters
Build your skills score off campus
Weigh overseas experiences against experiences in the United States and Canada
Earn credit for course work
Expand your network
Consider the negatives
Find programs
Doing well by doing good during your college years
Build your skills score by volunteering
Value volunteer opportunities
Explore and network for careers
Cultivate integrity
Thinking about education beyond college
Consider not graduating or graduating early
View graduate school as a risky investment alternative
Get paid to learn.

pt. III. Launching your career
Exploring career fields
Begin the self-reflection process
Scan career fields
Get more specific information about careers
Planning your skills agenda
Assess your skills
Monitor and plan your skill improvement
Branding yourself through resumes, cover letters, and interviews
Select the skills you want to emphasize
Decide where to show off your skills
Developing your career network
Use social networking
Build professional networks
Develop online networking
The skills for success college planner.

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