

1. Driving in Control
Why Acoustic Cocooning and the Sound of Cars?
Making Sense of Sound
Sensory Studies, Mobility Culture, and History of Technology
How We Will Navigate
New Themes along the Road
2. "It Shuts with a Comforting Sound" : Closing the Car Body
The Rise of the Closed Sedan : Sound Body Building
Mechanical Silence as Sign of Reliability and Engineering Quality
Convenient Silence as Ideal for Long-Distance Travelling
Aristocratic Silence as Mark of Distinction
An Uplifting and Distancing Experience
Saving the Cinematic Drive
3. Humming Engines and Moving Radio : Encapsulating the Listening Driver
Mysterious Noises : The Driver's Experiences
Listening to the Automobile : The Mechanic's Ear
The Repair Crisis and the Professionalization of the Car Mechanic
"A Marriage on its Last Legs" : The Differentiation of Listening Practices
Decent Radio Reception, As Long as the Car Is Not Moving
The Car Radio as Mood Regulator
Conclusions: Car Talk
4. "Like a Boxed Calf in a Traffic Drain" : The Car on the Corridor
The "Only Option" : The Rise of the Roadside Noise Barrier in the Western World
A New Berlin Wall : The Reception of Noise Barriers in the Netherlands
Denial Design : Building Green, Transparent and Loss-Compensating Barriers
A Moving Barrier : The Glocalization of the Noise Barrier
Nothing to See, Lots to Listen to : Traffic Radio and Audio Books
5. Selling Sound : Sensory Marketing in the Automotive Industry
Coming to Your Senses, Composing the Sound of Cars
Leeway for Car Sound Design : Behind the Scenes of International Standardization
Finding Words for Sound : Lay and Expert Listeners
Marketing Sound in the Experience Society
6. Sound and Safe : Auditory Privacy and Sonic Relief in the Car
A History of Listening Behind the Wheel
Moving, Seeing, Listening, in the Car and in the Past
The Echo of the Boom Car
Conclusions: Sensitizing Mobility Culture
Author Biographies
Archives, Journals and Interviews.

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